Linkchain Features

A comprehensive Link In Bio service



Unlimited links to all your content
Social media link icons that highlight your social channels
Embed content directly onto your linkchain profile with integrations from third party services such as YouTube and Spotify
Complete profile customisation, including fonts, colours, pictures and more
Powerful analytics to track views and clicks over the past day, week, month and all-time
Discover which external websites and countries are delivering profile views
Sign up for free »

All Features

Link In Bio service

The best way to connect your followers to your content

Unlimited Links

Add as many external links as you need

Socials Links

Add link icons to your social media channels

YouTube Videos

Embed YouTube videos onto your linkchain profile

Latest YouTube Video

Automatically embed the latest video from a YouTube Channel onto your linkchain profile

Spotify Links

Embed Spotify songs, albums, artists and more onto your linkchain profile

Latest Tweet

Automatically embed your most recent tweet onto your profile without having to keep updating the link each time you make a new post


Embed a specific tweet onto your linkchain profile


Embed a Twitch live stream onto your linkchain profile


Embed a GoFundMe campaign onto your linkchain profile


Embed a Vimeo video onto your linkchain profile

Typeform Surveys

Embed a Typeform Survey onto your linkchain profile

Pinterest Boards

Embed Pinterest Boards and Profiles onto your linkchain profile

Facebook Videos

Embed Facebook Videos onto your linkchain profile

Facebook Posts

Embed Facebook Posts and Profiles onto your linkchain profile


Embed your upcoming concert and tour dates onto your linkchain profile


Embed TikTok Profiles or Videos onto your linkchain profile


Embed a SoundCloud user, set, or playlist onto your linkchain profile

Profile Templates

Beautiful templates created by our designers to make your link in bio stand out and to save you from having to manually design your page

Link Headings

Sort your links into groups with a heading above them, so it's even easier for visitors to find the content they want

Upload A Profile Picture

Upload a photo to display on your linkchain profile

Customisable Background

Choose a solid colour or gradient background

Photo Background

Upload an image or add a link to an image to use it as your linkchain profile background


Choose from a selection of curated fonts for your linkchain profile

Colour Scheme

Choose the colour of the buttons and your profile text, to match your branding


Write a short bio to appear on your page

Link Thumbnails

Place a small image next to each link

Socials Links Positioning

Choose where your social media link icons appear on your page - above or below the external links

Profile Views

See the amount of views your profile receives each day, week, month and all-time

Views By Referrer

See which websites are driving traffic to your linkchain profile

Views By Country

See where your audience is based globally

Link Click Counter

Discover which of your links gets the most clicks over time

Click Through Rate

See how well you convert profile views into link clicks

Sensitive Content Warnings

Place warnings on content that may not be suitable for all audiences


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